Slow Walkers & Ignorant People Might Be The Death of Me
There are two things that irritate me in life, okay I'm lying because there's a crap ton of irritable things in the world, but these two specific things that have to do with school. Or at least, what I have to deal with in and around class periods. The sad thing about this is that i'm not complain about my classes or teachers, but the people that I have to go to school with that I don't even know nor do I want to know if they act like this:1) The Slow Walkers and Their Herd
No, we are not talking about The Walking Dead, that's a different topic, I am talking about actual living people who basically could count as zombies if you wanted to go in further. As the meticulous person I am in school, I like to get to class on time. I know it's not only me, but I feel like I live in the minority of those who know how to walk as fast as they talk. Almost everyone walks with three or four friends all standing together to fill the width of the hallway. They are texting on their phones as they talk to another person right next to them, this literally slows the majority down. All I want, is to get to class without dodging through a maze of people.
Anyways, lets talk about herds. These are not cows, nor are they a large group of walkers. We are talking about a group of kids who are inseparable. They, in my opinion are not as worse as slow walkers, but are still a big nuisance in the hallway because they too take up more than half of the space (Of course the other half who are slow walkers). They crowd around a locker and don't notice you until you say it loud enough for the rest of them to hear, "Excuse me, I'm trying to get through here!" Which is difficult for me since i'm pretty shy around people my own age.
Here's a tip for walking in school and in the general public that could save your life:
- A year ago I made A plan called "The 2 by 2". This is how it works, if you have five friends, you pair up and walk next to that person. Who ever is left has either choice to walk and lead (which is what I prefer) or in the back like the sad fifth wheel (no offense to the fifth wheels out there, I've been there too). This works because it doesn't take up all the space and it's orderly. "The 2 by 2" plan works beautifully if only my friends would remember to this.
- All I can conclude for #1 is if your walking determines how you drive in life, then a lot of people cannot drive in this world. I mean come on people it isn't that hard, stick to your lane and drive at the right speed limit. Also, no texting while driving, don't be stupid.
2) Ignorance is Bliss?
The definition of ignorance is the lack of knowledge or information. This applies to many things but for my purpose, it will be used to prove a point. We go to school to learn, yet with some people it doesn't seem to get through their heads. For me being raised by traditional Asian parents, I rebelled over that idea until I realized how dumb people can be. During my freshman year, I was shocked to see many people who claim to be mature, didn't care about what was going on in the world. They only cared about what was going own in their mediocre lives, like the person they've been crushing on or who'll they bring for homecoming. This to me is not important and I've come to peace with those who care about those silly things. For me, I'm worried about what I'm going to do after high school and after college, what do I want to spend the rest of my life doing, never have I worried about getting a date.Anyways, this hadn't pissed me off until I heard a girl yell to her friend in the hall way that she didn't care about problem in Syria. And at that point I turned to my friend and said with anger, "Ignorance is bliss." and then in return she replies with one of the quotes I told her weeks before this which was, "Eliminate the unnecessary." That being said, whoever that girl was, crapped on my whole day. It pissed me off that she yelled it out loud enough for the world to hear. By saying that, it's like she meant she didn't care about the people who were murdered by those gas attacks. It shouldn't have pissed me off as much as it did, but when she said those words I took it upon myself to think that whoever that sorry girl was, she didn't care about human life. I couldn't do anything but only mentally bang my head against the locker and lose faith in the world. I got over it though, with a little though that had big meaning: "You can't change the people, but you can change the world." Yeah, I know it's very corny, but it was a much more optimistic mindset than my usual pessimistic self.
So, if you actually read this entire thing, I thank you kindly. If you liked it and agreed than I feel better knowing I'm not alone on these little problems. This is literally my first blog ever and I have no idea what to do with it so I might as well give you my opinion, right? I got to thank you again to the only four people probably reading this. I really hope you actually enjoyed it and will come back to read and maybe even share my future posts. Oh, and sorry for any grammar mistakes, I was rushing at the end of my editing process.
Here's a screenshot of this blog on a phone for random reasons... Carry on, nothing strange here.